Tenant FAQs

Your Tenancy

What happens if I miss a rent payment?

We understand sometimes life gets in the way and mistakes happen. If you miss a payment but sort it out quickly, and it doesn't become a habit, we won't take things any further. If a rent payment is late, we'll let you know right away and work with you to fix it, and keep it happening again. But if missed payments aren't resolved or become a habit, we may need to start formal enforcement action via Tenancy Tribunal.

What should I do if I accidentally damage the property?

Please report this to us as soon as possible so any damage can be minimized. In some situations, you might need to pay for repairs or replacement costs. Please don't complete any repairs before talking to us, as this could make things worse in some cases.

How are inspections conducted?

We complete the first inspection one month into the start of the tenancy. After this initial inspection, all future inspections are completed every 3 months. We'll notify you with a notice of inspection at least 48 hours before we come to your property. Your property manager will be inspecting the property to make sure you are taking good care of the home and for us to identify any maintenance issues. They will be completing a photo and video report for the property owner. You don't have to be home at the property but you are more than welcome to stay, and if you have any maintenance issues for us please let us know too.

What happens if I need to leave a fixed-term tenancy early?

Please contact us as early as possible and we can run through some options with you. Once you have confirmed your request for a fixed term break in writing along with agreeing to a target date and any costs, we can start the process to find a replacement tenant to take over your lease. You can help by keeping the home in a clean and tidy condition through the viewing process.

Can I make changes to the property?

Tenants can make minor changes to the property if they seek the landlord's written consent. Drop us a line and we'll discuss the next steps with you.

General Tenancy Questions

Should I take out contents insurance?

We strongly recommend getting contents insurance to protect your property, as this is not covered by the owner's policy. For instance, if a tree falls on the house and damages a bedroom along with your computers, the property owner's insurance would only cover repairs to their bedroom, not your computers. Contents insurance may also come with public liability cover for you as well, which would protect you if you were ever found liable for damage to other's property.

What is joint and several liability?

If a group of tenants sign the tenancy agreement, it means they are all responsible for their obligations. This is called joint and several liability. This means if one of the tenants doesn't pay their share of the rent or damages the property, the landlord can seek the money owed from any or all of the tenants, regardless of which tenant didn't pay the rent or caused the damage.

Where can I find more information about tenancy law?

You can get more information about tenancy law and renting in general from the Tenancy Services website. They are also able to provide support via a free phone line as well.

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