Owner FAQs

Questions About Our Service

What types of properties do you manage?

We provide property management services for all residential properties under the Residential Tenancies Act. This includes units, houses, home & income properties, townhouses, apartments, and lifestyle blocks. We don't manage boarding houses, room-by-room properties, or commercial properties such as shops, factories, pastoral land, or car parks outside of a residential tenancy.

Do you operate a trust account?

Yes. Our Trust Account is both operationally and legally separated, with no parties having a claim on the trust funds.

Are you a residential landlord yourself?

Yes. We've been investing in residential property since 2011 when we picked up our first two bedroom unit. We continue to invest across the country with an emphasis on Dunedin and Auckland, and continue to allocate the bulk of our wealth into residential property.

What do you expect from me as the owner?

We've written a full shared code of conduct to give you a clear idea of our mutual expectations. As your property agent, the main things we ask for are to provide sufficient allowance for maintenance, undertake smoke alarm testing, comply with the law, and recognise that residential landlording is a regulated sector.

Who signs the tenancy agreements?

We sign the tenancy agreements and bond lodgement forms on your behalf as your agent. Your signatures are not required on the tenancy agreement itself, and we'll manage the whole process for you.

General Questions

What are the legal standards required to rent a property out?

This isn't an exhaustive list, but as a start, the property must comply with Council building and planning requirements, the Healthy Homes Guarantee, and be in at least reasonable condition for the age. The property should also be free of mould and be provided at a clean standard.

Should I allow pets at our rental property?

In general you would get a larger tenancy pool with higher rents should you open the property to pets, and there are many good pet owners who would take wonderful care of the property. Current legislation however does not yet allow for the charging of pet bonds or allow landlords to seek compulsory carpet cleaning or pest control if the property is already reasonably clean. We can provide you with a recommendation once a rental appraisal and site visit is completed.

Should I offer a fixed term tenancy or a periodic tenancy?

Dunedin's rental market is very seasonal. It is far easier to rent out a property during the start of the year in summer than it is during winter. We recommend fixed terms so a tenancies can be renewed during the peak time of the year where legislation permits.

Who is responsible for maintenance of the grounds?

The tenants are generally responsible for lawn mowing and weeding the gardens, while owners are responsible for tree trimming, hedges and shrubs, including removal of the cuttings.

How quickly can a property be tenanted?

A prospective tenant generally need to give 28 days notice to end their current tenancy under current legislation. In an ideal world, a property which is listed online at least six weeks before the end of the tenancy should only experience minimal vacancies between tenants.

What are the common landlord expenses?

In general, landlords are required to cover general property maintenance along with fair wear and tear. Landlords should also make allowances for costs such as Council rates, insurances, and regular external maintenance such as gutter cleaning, roof washing, etc. Tenants are generally responsible for consumables such as light bulbs and keeping the property at a reasonably clean standard.

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