Our Shared Code of Conduct

Why This Matters

We've written this Shared Code of Conduct to give you a clear idea of what you can expect from us and what we ask of you. Think of it as a roadmap for our partnership, helping us stay in the same direction and co-ordinate our roles smoothly.

Great property management is all about trust, open communication, and making sure both sides have their expectations met.

Your role as a property owner is important to us, and this document will guide you through our mutual responsibilities, our values, and what you can expect from us. We're aiming to set clear expectations so we can all enjoy a successful and rewarding experience.

Like rowing, it's important to be in alignment in a long term business relationship.

Our Commitment

We started our business with a vision of improving the property management industry. The actions and ongoing commitments below are our way of living out our core values. You can expect us to work within this code of conduct in every interaction we have with you and your tenants.

Our allegiance guarantee means you'll never walk alone

Be respectful and professional

We'll always be respectful, professional, and courteous to you and other parties we interact with. You've engaged us for our expertise and support, so we'll always be happy to explain why things are being done the way they are.

Honesty and integrity in all dealings

We'll act with honesty, integrity and transparency in all our dealings. This applies to landlords and tenants, and also external parties such as other property managers, neighbours, insurance, and contractors.

Provide realistic rental appraisals

The rental appraisals we provide will be sound, backed up with support evidence from comparable properties and set at a level where we are confident that good tenants can be placed.

Remain free from conflicts of interest

We do not hold financial interests in any building or maintenance business, nor will we accept referral fees from contractors. If we get offered any referral fees, we'll pass them on as a discount to you.

Hold client funds in a trust account

All client funds are held in a formally designated trust account, which is separated from business expenses. Our bank also has no entitlement to exercise any right of counterclaim against client funds.

Continued association membership

We're part of the Residential Property Managers Association (RPMA) with an independent third-party complaints procedure with prescribed timeframes for resolution.

What We Ask Of You

When you rent your property out, you become a business owner with legal obligations. This can be challenging but that's why we are here - to help you make it through and reap the rewards that property ownership can bring. To keep you safe and let us best help you, here's what we ask of you.

We both have mutual roles and responsibilities, and we're here to support you.

Keep the rental to a good standard

Keeping the property at a good standard and allowing us to work quickly and proactively on any maintenance reduces the risks of added costs. Near the end of the tenancy it also lets us present your property at it's best, helping to reduce downtime.

Respect our tradesmen

Quotes take a lot of time and are usually expensive as the tradesmen needs to cover the worst case. Good tradesmen also tend to leave quotes as a low priority job. We have strong internal audit systems and oversight to keep you safe, and the volume of work we give means the relationship is mutually respectful.

Comply with government laws

To ensure everything runs smoothly and safely, it's important to comply with all laws, especially around health and safety, asbestos and building compliance. This protects you from any fines or insurance issues.

Respect our team and your tenant

We value our long term relationships with our staff and our contractors, and want to them to enjoy their work. Please treat them and any tenants you meet with courtesy and respect - if you see anything please leave it up to us to enforce.

Work with all people groups

As a landlord, you'll get the best results when you open up your rental to the widest market possible. Discrimination in practice means you're declining the best application and taking on more risk.

Trust in our systems and recommendations

Please trust in our systems which have taken years to build and tweak. While we're happy to innovate and take on board new ideas, requesting ad-hoc changes or disregarding our advice can have negative impacts later on.

Set rents based on market feedback

We want to achieve the best rent for your property while avoiding vacancies. While we're happy to try for a slightly higher rent than we've estimated, going too high above market rent leads to long vacancies and attracts unsuitable tenants.

Allow for standard landlord expenses

The law requires landlords to cover fair wear and tear, and only allows landlords to enforce cleaning to a reasonably clean standard. This wouldn't be at a level to attract good tenants so professional cleaning may be needed between tenancies.