Dunedin Property Management

Supporting Your Landlord Journey

We provide full service residential property management from preparing the lease and finding an excellent tenant, all the way through to the final bond refund, and virtually everything in between. We'll help you manage every step of the journey. Property management is a complex operation, so we'd happy to answer any questions in detail around our processes.  

A representation of our landlord journey, from initial contact to the end of the tenancy.

Our Dunedin Property Management Services

As property investors ourselves, we know that each step of property management is important and take great care in getting all the details right. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the service you can expect when you come onboard with us.

Marketing Your Property

Marketing the property is one of the most important steps of property management. When it's done well, you'll end up with multiple quality applications to choose from.

Professional photos to stand out

We'll market with professional photography on all our listings so your property can make a lasting first impression and stand out.

Video tours and floor plans

We advertise all properties with HD video tours so prospective tenants can view the property from home. Dunedin property management practices differ to the rest of the country due to our harsh winters - it becomes harder to view in person due to frost and snow, so videos and virtual tours will encourage more applications and help to reduce your vacancies.

Flexible private viewings

We offer convenient weeknight, weekend, and virtual viewings so working tenants can view the property without taking time off. Having easy viewing options helps attract as many viewers as possible.

Complimentary Facebook advertising

Facebook is the largest social media platform globally. We'll run a complimentary Facebook advertising campaign for your property and design all marketing collateral.

We include in-house videography as part of our standard marketing
We're elite partners with TPS, which gives us full multi-bureau credit checks.

Finding Quality Tenants

Personal viewings for each group

We run private viewings to guide each group through the property and get to know them. This gives us a good background on each application and enough time to ask them questions.

Detailed tenant checks

We complete two credit checks and detailed background checks for all tenants on the application, providing a detailed profile of each applicant’s financial and personal history across multiple databases. We'll also run an income assessment to make sure the property is affordable long term.

Proprietary reference checks with anti-fraud measures

Our reference checking process protects your property with multiple anti-fraud measures to verify references and prevent fraudulent applications.

Pet-friendly home visits

We welcome responsible pet owners by meeting their pets in-person if they live within Dunedin. This makes sure they are well-behaved to your property and our team.

Rent Monitoring and Inspections

Rent monitoring and arrears management

Rents are checked daily and we swing into action immediately if a rental payment is missed, with a rapid process with phone calls, written reminders, and a 14 day notice to follow up if the arrears aren't remedied quickly.

Detailed routine and ingoing inspections with video

Inspections are a key part of good property management and we'll complete at least four inspections per year. The first inspection is scheduled four weeks after the start of the tenancy, and thereafter we'll complete four inspections per year at regular intervals. All routine inspections are documented with photos and a written report. We'll have a chat with the tenant to give them any feedback.

Before the start of each tenancy, we'll also complete a detailed ingoing inspection with hundreds of photos and a video walkthrough. This means damage between the start and the end of the tenancy can be identified easily, reduce disputes and protecting both parties.

Personal visits and extra inspections for difficult issues

If the tenancy has any issues, we'll complete extra inspections or tenant meetings on our own accord where needed, under the correct legal framework within the Residential Tenancies Act

Maintaining and Improving Returns

Effective maintenance handling

We triage maintenance into three groups - Urgent, Moderate, or Minor. For minor work, we'll set up annual plans with you to help with your budgeting and also keep you in the loop with a defined consultation process. This reduces urgent and more costly repairs.

Any work that's needed at the property will be completed by cost-effective, reliable, and insured tradesmen on our panel, with photos of the completed work sent to you.

Rent reviews

Rent reviews are completed a year after the start of the tenancy in line with the law. If the market does not support a rent increase at the time, we'll check back again in a few months to line this up with the best times of the year.

Value-adding and legal compliance

We're happy to work with you and provide suggestions on both management and renovation value-add for your property so you get the best rents. We'll also work with you to keep your property compliant to avoid any fines and breaches.

End of Tenancy and Bond Management

Prevention and education to reduce disputes

We emphasise damage prevention with education through the life of the tenancy to reduce the chance of disputes at the end. This continues through the open home period, where we'll give our tenants indicative feedback on any items needing attention. Because of this we have very few disputes.

Once the tenants have departed, our final inspection is completed. This is very thorough and involves a full comparison with the ingoing condition report by individual photo.

A practical approach to bond refunds

Once the final inspection is complete, we'll arrange the final balance and bond refund so any outstanding issues are covered. If we discover any damage, we operate a practical system aimed at reimbursing your costs effectively while being fair to the tenants as well.

Tenancy Tribunal

Where we've been unable to come to an agreement with the tenants, we'll represent you at Tenancy Tribunal to defend your rights. This is a very rare event - out of the tenants we've placed, we've had less than ten Tribunal hearings in our seven years of professional property management across our whole portfolio of 100+ properties. Where we have had to lodged cases we've achieved a 100% win rate.

The Allegiance Guarantee

Protecting your property investment is crucial for long-term success. That's why we've crafted the Allegiance Guarantee to share unexpected costs resulting from tenant issues. It adds an extra layer of protection, complementing our systems and your property insurance. You'll get paid quickly after the Tribunal Order, rather than having to chase the debt for years.

The Allegiance Guarantee covers a broad range of tenant debts and acts like an extra bond, on top of the tenant's four week bond provided by the Residential Tenancies Act.

Here's how it works

If a tenant we've screened and placed is found liable by Tenancy Tribunal for costs exceeding their bond by more than an agreed amount, we'll step in and cover up to $3,000 for any tenant debts stated on the sealed Tribunal order, paid to you once the order is confirmed with no appeals.

We have some standard terms:

  • You'll need to follow our recommendations around market value, tenancy selection, property presentation, and risk management processes
  • Exemplary damages awarded against tenants are not covered by the guarantee, as these are intended to be fines to discourage tenants from unlawful acts.
  • The Allegiance Guarantee coverage applies only during the term of our management, and ends automatically at the end of our management

Our management contract has the full terms and conditions. We'd be happy to walk you through how you can minimise risk alongside the details of our Allegiance Guarantee.

With our allegiance guarantee, you'll never walk alone.

Ready to experience the Allegiance Difference?

Let's Talk